Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crimson Hill Grading Policy

Crimson Hill Grading Policy:
The elementary physical education students will be graded using a 4, 3, 2, 1 scoring system.

    4 = exceptional/exceeds the NGSSS and shows excellent competency
    3 = proficient/meets the standards addressed in NGSSS
    2 = progressing/meets partial standard requirements
    1 = little to no progress/no participation

Evaluation of students will be composed using the following criteria:

    1) Motor and fitness skills and their components
    2) Knowledge of rules, strategies, and principles used in physical education
    3) Participation
    4) Sportsmanship and Class Behavior

Our grading system and policies were created to accomodate and address the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for physical education. This grading system is used in the 1st through 5th grade levels, with minor modifications according to the grade level and skill level of each individual student. Parents having any questions or concerns regarding the grading policy and criteria may feel free to contact myself or other faculty. Please encourage your student to do their best, each child has individual learning needs and skill levels, and these will be taken into account during the grading process. We hope to provide a positive learning environment in which students of all skill levels will achieve success on many occasions.

The following is a rubric that addressing the grading criteria and a description of the expected requirements to fit into each point category:

Rubric Domains









Motor and fitness skills

Unable to perform age appropriate gross motor and fitness skills.

Inconsistently performs age appropriate gross motor and fitness skills.

Performs age appropriate gross motor and fitness skills and strives to improve their skills.

Exceeds age appropriate gross motor and fitness skills and has a strong desire to improve skills.

Knows and applies rules, strategies, fitness principles, and PE concepts

Unable to grasp and apply game rules, strategies, fitness principles, and key concepts that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Beginning to grasp and apply games rules, strategies, fitness principles, and key concepts that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities..

Able to grasp and apply game rules, strategies, fitness principles, and key concepts that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Exceptional ability to grasp and apply game rules, strategies, fitness principles, and key concepts that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Helps peers with application of concepts and strategies.


Limited or inconsistent movement during physical activity, teacher interaction required to keep student on task and moving.

Has many excuses for inactivity and excessive socializing interferes with participation.

Poor effort, has many excuses for inactivity, and contributes little to team play and PE activities.

Makes little or no effort to improve motor and fitness skills.

Makes little effort to come prepared to PE class.

Inconsistent movement during physical activity,

teacher interaction required to keep student on task and moving.

Socializing interferes with participation.

Puts forth minimal effort and contributes little to team play and activities.

Makes an inconsistent effort to improve motor and fitness skills.

Inconsistent effort to come prepared to PE class.

On task and consistent movement during physical activity.

Socializing is done at appropriate times and does not interfere with participation.

Makes a consistent effort and contributes to team play and activities.

Makes a consistent effort to improve motor and fitness skills.

Makes a consistent effort to come prepared to PE class.

Always on task and is consistently moving, with exceptional effort, during physical activity.

Socializing does not interfere with participation. Respectfully encourages others to be on task.

Exceptional effort and contributes to team play and activities.

Exceptional effort to improve motor and fitness skills and respectfully encourages others to improve their skills.

Makes an exceptional effort to come prepared to PE class.


Is unable to cooperate with teachers and classmates. .

Demonstrates inappropriate response to winning and losing during game play.

Shows little support of classmates/others, regardless of ability, and disrespects equipment.

Requires constant teacher interaction to follow the classroom/gym/activity rules.

Works and plays safety with a lot of teacher interaction.

Cooperates well on winning team or when observed by teacher.

Inconsistently demonstrates appropriate response to winning and losing during game play.

Is inconsistently supportive of classmates/others, regardless of ability, and is inconsistently respectful of equipment.

Inconsistently follows classroom/gym/activity rules.

Works and plays safety with some teacher interaction.

Cooperates well with teachers and classmates (teammates & opponents).

Demonstrates appropriate response to winning and losing during game play.

Is respectful of classmates/others, regardless of ability, and is respectful of equipment.

Follows the classroom/gym/activity rules.

Works and plays safely without teacher interaction.

Exceptional cooperation with teachers and classmates (teammates & opponents).

Always demonstrates appropriate responses during game play whether winning or losing. Is a positive role model).

Is respectful of classmates/others regardless of ability, and is respectful of equipment. Encourages others to succeed.

Follows the classroom/gym/activity rules and respectfully assists classmates in following classroom/gym/activity rules.

Works and plays safely without teacher interaction and respectfully assists classmates in playing safely.